Four more (whole) days are left in 2012. As the world seems to turn a bit slower in these final hours of the year, I decided it’s time for some personal retrospective. Since I read Pat Kua’s Retrospective handbook this year, I decided to do some writing about my year on my blog as a personal retrospective. I will cover the books I read and the conferences I visited in later blog entries. This blog entry will stuff that happened during the year.
Continue reading 2012 – A personal retrospectiveDaily Archives: 27. December 2012
The best programming language
Since it was shortly before Christmas, I put a wish on twitter last week:
Anyone who wants to give me a gift for x-mas, consider writing a programming language where “if (* == true)” results in a compiler error.
This inspired some ideas on the twittersphere, and I decided to bring this topic to the Hamburg Software Craftsmanship user group on last Tuesday. Here’s what we brainstormed together: The best programming language, ever.

I need to elaborate a bit on some of them.
Disclaimer: Don’t hate me, I’m just a messenger.
Continue reading The best programming language