So…what tester are you?

A while ago Rob Lambert wrote down a list of tester types. The Software Testing Club has now published the tester types as an eBook for free. Make sure to get your copy of it. In the case you’re asking me what type of tester I am, I think I am a mix-up of the Automator, the Expert, the Intellectual, the Boss and the Drafter. I hope I made you curious what this means, so better check out the tester types. Thank you Rob and Rosie for sharing these with us.

Patterns for Test Automation

Robert C. Martin brought up a blog entry yesterday called The Polyglot Tester. He argues about the Behavior-driven development style of automated tests the table style encouraged from FIT, Slim, RobotFramework and others. While I’m not going to jump into the discussion which of the existing tools is better, worse or more suitable to do some job, here are some references to patterns for test automation, which I came across.

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