Burning Issues of the Day

Michael Bolton put up a great presentation from a talk on his website. The most thoughtful quotation:

When a manager asks you to show him your test cases, ask him to show you his management cases.
When a manager asks you to show him your test scripts, ask him to show you his management scripts.
When a manager insists that every test should have an expected, predicted result, ask him if every management action should have an expected, predicted result.
When a manager insists that we lower the cost of testing by bringing in test automation, ask if we can lower the cost of management by bringing in management automation.
When a manager wants to evaluate testers based on “defect escape ratios”, ask if we can evaluate management by “bad management decision escape ratios”.

(Inspired by James Bach)

After going through this series, I was personally considering to put up some elaboration on each of the quotations on the roughly 40 slides here. Unfortunately my available time does not permit this. Maybe I will come up with a series in some weeks or months, but for the time being stick to the presentation. There is one statement on each slide, and Michael did a great job to combine them together from great thought-leaders – as I think. Read them. Now. Really.