Tag Archives: scaling agile

Scaling Agile – A Meta Framework

Scaling Agile appears to be a theme. At times, I am wondering how many organizations there actually are that would adopt large scale Agile to start with. Currently, I have the impression there are as many scaling frameworks out there as participants that joined a casting show. But I am exaggerating at bit here. With all these frameworks out there, how do you pick the right one for you? Or should it be a mixture of all of the frameworks available? While diving deeper into scaling frameworks, I found some considerations at picking the right one fruitful. Here they are.

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Scaling Agile Anti-Maturity Model

Scaling Agile appears to be a common topic these days. Of course there are good advices and bad advices on how to do that. But how do you know which is which? A few weeks back I came up with the idea of an anti-maturity model. If you have dealt with a few maturity models in the past, these usually run from level 1 to level 5, where level 5 means more mature. My anti-maturity model runs differently, with level 0 indicating that you are probably on the right track, and level MAX_INT that you are probably not doing to well. Why does this scale run differently? As part of my work, I realized there is always someone out there who can come up with an even worse way of doing things than that other guy that I thought was worst.

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