2012 retrospective – Addendum: The articles

Happy New Year!

I was not going to blog about this, but it turns out that this twitter conversation between Lisa Crispin and Meike Mertsch prompted me to it. So, here are the articles I wrote in 2012. Since I write in two languages, I decided to separate them between my English and German articles. I also try to just mention the ones that were published in 2012, not necessarily written.

English articles

We are not alone – Agile Journal

Unfortunately I can not find the article online any more. It’s a piece that I wrote in 2010, I think. Most of it was prompted by an email discussion I had with Michael Larsen on the lone tester. That inspired some advice on how to realize that you need help from someone else, and how to find that.

Getting started with ATDD – Overcoming the biggest mistakes right form the start – InformIT

For this one, Lisa Crispin prompted me to do a write-up on how to get started. Some of it is inspired by chapters 9 through 12 in my book, all of it goes beyond that.

Why Specification Workshops work – InformIT

In this one I describes what specification workshops are, and why they work. As I had just read Harry Collins’ Tacit and Explicit Knowledge book at that time, I saw his model from epistemology applied in specification workshops.

ATDD as a third-level XP practice – InformIT

In this article I discuss whether ATDD is a third-level XP practice, meaning that you can bring in some of the benefits only, if you have stuff like continuous integration and a fully automated build in place.

Test-driven Test Code Development – Unit Testing Page Objects – Methods and Tools

In this article I show how to use TDD for your page objects in Selenium. You are test-driving your support code, right? Yeah, me, too.

Can we say no? – The Testing Planet issue 7

This one I wrote on my way back from XP 2010 inspired by Are your lights on? from Don Gause and Jerry Weinberg. I raised the point of us testers and programmers being in charge to say no to unreasonable claims like working overtime for 10 weeks in a row.

From Test to Driven to Design – The Testing Planet issue 9<

In this article I describe the xDD maturity model. If you know me, you should know what that means. If you don’t, you should read it.

German articles

Agiles Testen: Ein Pfad hin zur Teamunterstützung – ObjektSpektrum 02/2012

In this article I describe what agile testing is, and paths that lead to supporting your team as a tester. My personal experience indicate that especially German testers have great problems with that.

Kanban für Tester: Evolutionäres Qualitätsmanagement – ObjektSpektrum 04/2012

In this article I wrote a little narrative with my colleague Arne Roock on Kanban. We join a tester new in a Kanban shop, and see his experiences with the method.

Anforderungen als Leichtkost – ObjektSpektrum Onlinethemen-Special Requirements Engineering

In this article I wrote together with Meike Mertsch about different lightweight ways to requirements.

“Wir brauchen mehr Qualität” – Systemische Effekte hinter den unfairen Fragen – ObjektSpektrum Onlinethemen-Special Testing

In this piece I apply Systems Thinking to counter unfair questions such as “we need more quality”, or “why haven’t you caught that bug?”.

That’s it. Eleven articles. Sounds ok to me (and I think I can do more.)

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