XP2010 Wrap-up

Last week I went to XP2010 in Trondheim, Norway. I already put up some of the interesting talks. Here is the wrap-up with some final impressions that I got.

Overall the conference was fantastic for conferring. I got a first look on the content behind Gojko Adzic’s upcoming book, I got connected to some people I barely knew before, and most of all I had lots of fun. I blogged about some of the sessions before. I attended some more sessions, but didn’t see too much new there.

ATDD was a bigger topic during the final two conference days. The most interesting idea I got from the discussion was from Martin Gijsen who distinguishes between domain specific languages and domain specific test languages. So far, I’m not quite whether it makes sense to differentiate between the two.

Overall, on the final day there were just few attendees at the sessions. I attended one with three attendees, another one had 10, a third one 13. That’s rather few considering the conference had overall 400-ish attendees. Personally I hope that the conference program committee will reflect on it, since it felt a bit sad at the last day. People were tired, just few in numbers. There may be a survey coming along, but I haven’t got one so far.

That said, I look forward to the next conferences this year. I learned a lot new, got some more books on my shelf and my “too order” list. Hoping to get to them, but currently I’m hopelessly lost with keeping up with me 2009 orders.

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